Oh, and while you’re at it: fix the controls. Get a feeling for what an actual hero shooter plays like and take a look at the modes Blizzard created to encourage teamplay. Madfinger, here’s some help: drop the Battle Pass to $2.99, double the character count and modes within a month, and introduce a system that forces at least one player on each team to play as a tank and support character. Madfinger has shown a baffling lack of understanding towards its audience with this release, and are going to have to perform a pretty impressive feat to turn it around. It’s not ready to be put under intense scrutiny and it’s certainly not ready for monetisation. Ultimately, Shadowgun War Games is just not ready for launch. For reference, that’s two Google Play Pass subscriptions and almost twice the price of RuneScape Membership, which provides access to two different games.

Developer Madfinger wants you to fork out a whopping $10 for its Battle Pass, which provides XP boosters, skins, currency, and more for what is, essentially, an unfinished game. Now for the icing on the cake: the monetisation. The Controls Are Horribly Imprecise and There’s an Alarming Lack of Heroes and Modes Aiming is sluggish and jumps around a lot, and messing with the sensitivity, smoothing, or acceleration made very little difference. Try as we might though (we tweaked a heck of a lot of settings and played across a phone and tablet) we just couldn’t get the controls to feel right. Sure, this isn’t a tightly put together shooter like Call of Duty Mobile but we’d expect to be able to comfortably aim a crosshair over our opponents nonetheless. Next up is the controls, which are horribly imprecise. Then again, why bother when there are so few characters in the first place? There are no systems in place to ensure a certain number of support, tank, and damage dealers exist so the teams are balanced. Capture the Flag just feels like more Team Deathmatch at this point. You’ve got a natural flag grabber in Jet (though Revenant can use his special ability to provide a tankier version) while Slade and SARA can provide support, leaving Willow to protect the base.

Team Deathmatch requires no actual teamwork, and is just 10 players running around butchering each other, while Capture the Flag provides minimal teamwork at best. Again, why not just copy the modes already available in Overwatch? That’s what Paladins did, making slight changes here and there, and it worked. You’ve got Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag and that’s it. It doesn’t help that the measly two different modes of play require very little in the way of actual strategy at this point. Shadowgun War Games Absolutely Smashes the Presentation Also, if this is just a clone of Overwatch, why not just wholesale clone the 21 balanced heroes that already exist? Don’t get us wrong, the characters do feel considerably different to each other, but there’s not a lot of room to manoeuvre when it comes to creating your own playstyle. You’ve got your jack-of-all trades Slade, a damage-soaking tank in Revenant, support specialist SARA, speedy assassin Jet, and long-ranged sniper Willow. Shadowgun War Games lands with just five, and there’s a surprising lack of depth. Overwatch arrived with a whopping 21 heroes, which were wide and varied. Our biggest issue is the laughable lack of characters at launch. Similarly, the UI is minimal and sleek, though we won’t praise it too much as it’s literally just a copy and paste of Overwatch.Įverything else though, veers from disappointing to complete disaster.
Shadowgun war games wallpaper android#
On a modern Android phone or tablet, it looks absolutely gorgeous, with bold colours and decent special effects. Let’s start with the positives though: it absolutely smashes the presentation.